A Quick Introduction

Not many people know exactly what an Essential Fatty Acid is, and I'm sure even more people would associate fatty acids with being a bad thing because they have the word "fat" associated with them. The reason I chose to do a blog about them was to show that this negative connatation is not true, and in fact is the exact opposite of what fatty acids do! I want people to see that these EFA's are completely essential like there name implies, and hope to show them how much they should be getting on a regular basis, as well as, show them what types of food or supplements they can find these fatty acids in. I hope you enjoy reading this blog and find it helpful in learning about Essential Fatty Acids!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Omega-3s and Muscle Mass

When trying to stay or become more healthy, most people aim to gain lean muscle mass and loss fat mass.  They want the lean muscle mass because it burns more fat, appears leaner (so they look more in-shape), and it increases their metabolism so they can become healthy individuals overall (Livestrong).  A study was done on healthy adults that used fish oil as a supplement, mainly composed of Omega-3s, and it found that the adults that took the fish oil gained more lean muscle mass and lost more fat mass.  So for those looking to lose weight or to be healthier overall it would be obvious after reading this that one should look into taking a fish oil supplement.  If there is anything that can help people lose the bad weight and gain good muscle mass, I would definitely recommend taking it because I feel like there are a huge amount of people that could use the healthy effects of Omega-3 in their lives, whether its through diet or through supplementation.  A link to the article can be found here.  

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