A Quick Introduction

Not many people know exactly what an Essential Fatty Acid is, and I'm sure even more people would associate fatty acids with being a bad thing because they have the word "fat" associated with them. The reason I chose to do a blog about them was to show that this negative connatation is not true, and in fact is the exact opposite of what fatty acids do! I want people to see that these EFA's are completely essential like there name implies, and hope to show them how much they should be getting on a regular basis, as well as, show them what types of food or supplements they can find these fatty acids in. I hope you enjoy reading this blog and find it helpful in learning about Essential Fatty Acids!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fatty Acids a cure for PMS?

As a man I really have no idea what exactly women go through when suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome, but according to a news article on CBS these problems they go though could potentially be ended with a treatment containing Omega-6 fatty acids (Lionleic Acid, as mentioned in the article).  Apparently when combined with Vitamin E and other "essential oils" the fatty acids help reduce the problems of acne, bloating, weight gain, headaches, and even more problems that all women have to suffer through.  As a man I am completely glad I do not have to go through many of these problems that women do, but as scientific studies progress with Essential Fatty Acids, maybe women won't have to go through too many of these problems anymore either.


  1. This is a very interesting subject to me. Fat is a macronutrient and because of that we need lots of the correct kind of it in our diet to have lots of energy and perfect radiant health. I notice that when I have PMS I have cravings these cravings are for fat,salt,and sugar.Now if women during this time of their monthly cycle also crave these specific things then would their symptoms change by eating high quality foods instead of going for the junk food? Can you get Omega 3s from anything else besides flax seeds and oil?

  2. Absolutely, I had a post about which foods contain high levels of omega-3s and fish are probably the best source for omega-3s, unless of course you don't eat meat. This website link should allow you to find which foods contain good amounts of fatty acids: http://www.livestrong.com/article/251810-list-of-foods-with-essential-fatty-acids/
