A Quick Introduction

Not many people know exactly what an Essential Fatty Acid is, and I'm sure even more people would associate fatty acids with being a bad thing because they have the word "fat" associated with them. The reason I chose to do a blog about them was to show that this negative connatation is not true, and in fact is the exact opposite of what fatty acids do! I want people to see that these EFA's are completely essential like there name implies, and hope to show them how much they should be getting on a regular basis, as well as, show them what types of food or supplements they can find these fatty acids in. I hope you enjoy reading this blog and find it helpful in learning about Essential Fatty Acids!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Where to find your EFA's

Getting enough essential fatty acids in one's diet shouldn't be a hard thing to do, but incase that it is there is a link I have found with a list of food sources that contain the vital Omega 3 and 6 acids that our bodies need.  That link can be found here.


  1. That's a really great resource. Like you said, there are many foods out there with EFAs so it shouldn't be hard to get them in our diet...as long as we're eating the correct foods! My problem is omega-3s because I don't like fish so I need to work on finding those other foods that I like that have omega-3s in them. I also think many people may have an imbalance of omega-6 to omega-3s so it's important to have the correct balance in our diet.

  2. Its nice to see some recommendations besides just salmon for omega-3's, although salmon is great for getting it. I think a lot of people including myself couldn't afford wild salmon and opted for farmed, which I found out doesn't contain the same nutrient. It frustrated me when I did find out because there was no way I going to be able to shell out 21$ a pound for omega 3's, but now I'm going to eat some cantaloupe!

  3. That's exactly what I've been thinking! Buying a salmon is just something I can't afford to do, so it's great there are so many other options. Also, many Americans have an incorrect balance of omega-3 to omega-6 so I was hoping this would help to show people how to even their diets out.
